Making IoT projects with ESP32 — — Innovation & Implementation S2E6

ESP32 is a popular and powerful module with Wi-Fi & dual-mode Bluetooth capabilities. Our brilliant PCBWayers made a lot of amazing projects based on it. Today let’s check them with Lesley and Zoey! 1.QuinLED-Dig-Quad Intermit.Tech This attracting light strip designed by “Quindor”, based on ESP-32. One of the unique features of this project is that it’s based on the same PCB, on which you can switch ESP32 and ESP8266 at the same time. 2.ESP Matrix Board — LED Dot Matrix Clock WiFi Android App This project designed by “Bluino”, no need of programming skill or Laptop to program. Just need Android phone to upload sketch/firmware to NodeMCU via USB OTG. As w e can see, it’s easy to build, just need a NodeMCU ESP8266, MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix Panel and other components. It runs completely autonomously and be configured, controlled via an Android app, with the app you can configure along with setting ESPMatrix device easily with a simple interface. 3. ESP32 Pixel Purse Using Ar...