PCBWay Q&A-005 | About PCBWay ACCOUNT

When placing your orders,especially the first new order, you might encounter some questions related to your PCBWay account. Today, we invite Wendy, one of our senior customer service representitive to help you answer some of your most concerned questions about ACCOUNT! Q1: Wendy, the first question is very easy but cannot be bypassed. That is how to register on PCBWay? Wendy: Well, it couldn’t be easier. Just click “Join in” at the top right corner of the homepage or any other PCBWay pages. All you need to do is entering your email address and set a login password, then you can start shopping! BTW, please make sure of the correctness of your email address, our system currently only recognizes English letters. Q2: Wendy, in some cases, I know it doesn’t happen often, some clients cannot sign in to PCBWay account. What do you think might be the cause of it ? Wendy: To sign into your account, please make sure you enter the correct registered email address and password. The pa...