DIY Sensor Projects Part 1 — -Innovation & Implementation S2E2

A sensor converts stimuli such as heat, light, sound, and motion into electrical signals. These signals are passed through an interface that converts them into a binary code and passes this on to a computer to be processed. Today, let’s see how makers use plenty of sensors to build their awesome projects!
1.Image Sensor & Digital Camera
The main purpose of sensors is to collect data from the surrounding environment. For example, it might be like our eyes, which can capture images. Sean made his own image sensor and digital camera from scratch. One thing to mention, Sean’s projects are all open-sourced, so it’s much easier for you guys to have a try. In this video, Sean used a Canon Lens. You guys might have your ideas to figure out one alternative.
2. Object Tracking Robot using Arduino and HuskyLens
Image and Vision Sensors are electronic devices that detect the presence of objects or colors within their fields of view and convert this information into a visual image for display. Youtuber Arduino Projects & Robotics Tutorials — RootSaid built a Robot that detects and follows an object using Arduino AI Vision Sensor. Actually, he had made few tutorials for Arduino HuskyLens. So if you wanna explore deeper and make yourself a DIY object tracking robot, here the learning resource is.
3. Sonar Goggles / Night Vision Goggles
Using 3 ultrasonic sensors, JoshBuilds made amazing smart glasses for sensing objects when its dark out. And it can also be used as glasses for the blind.
4. Adding a Harley Davidson Temp Sensor for Laser
Temperature sensors are used to measure the thermal characteristics of gases, liquids, and solids in many process industries and are configured for both general- and special-purpose uses. Under the situation that Laser runs all days long. It’s a good choice to set a temperature sensor with equipment. Our good friend Eric Strebel added a Harley Davidson Temp Sensor and a custom thyristor to his laser. It’s a car temperature system that runs on 12 volts, but the laser machine doesn’t run on 12 volts, so Eric bought a power supply to get fitted.
5.Metal Detector
Metal Detectors are an essential part of the security system. They are electronic or electro-mechanical devices used to sense the presence of metal in a variety of situations ranging from packages to people. Espacio de César made a video and let us know all the details to make a metal detector by induction pulses.
And CarlosVolt Tutoriales made a how-2 video to show the way of making an inductive sensor for Arduino.
6. Water Level Detector
Sensor or Detector helps the development of IoT, and also automated manufacturing. Ralph S Bacon designed an Arduino Water Level Detector to detect when the liquid has reached a certain level. It’s quite an ideal beginners’ project, with no moving parts, totally sealed, easy and cheap. Moreover, It can detect the liquid at various angles, top-down, bottom-up, sideways. A wonderful module to do it by yourself.
7. DIY Digital Scale Filling Machine
Easy HomeMade Projects designed a Digital Scale Based Sanitizer, gel & Liquid filling Machine. People can fill any amount from 50 to 500 by using this machine.
8.DIY Water Detector /Leak Alarm
Jaakko once built a water leak alarm for alerting when the garden watering tank is getting full. Moreover, it can be used for many applications, like leak detectors for dishwashers and other water appliances. This project only uses basic components (NPN transistors, resistors, and ceramic capacitors) and can run for years using a 9V battery.
9.Throw Real Cobwebs with Muscle Sensor
To make magical things happened in Marvel Comics Universe come true, Jonathan tries to throw real spider webs with muscle sensors. The liquid will be ejected when the user clenches his fist.
10. Force Indicator with EMG Sensor and LED Bar
EMG Sensor, also known as electromyography sensor is one that measures small electrical signals generated by our muscles at the time we move our muscles, like clenching fists, lifting arms, and even moving a finger. Based on the EMG sensor and LED Bar, Jonathan built a force Indicator. The longer the led bar shows, the greater the strength of the muscles.
11.DIY Onewheel New 2020 Series — -Foot Sensor
Fungineers produced a New series this year, he decided to DIY Onewheel product from scratch. Now there are 7 videos listed. And in the 4th video, he used our Rigid-flex PCB and built a foot sensor.
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