PCBWay TV Show 01 - What Did Makers Do to Fight Against COVID-19?
At the beginning of 2020, a virus named COVID-19 swept China and within a few months, most countries suffered to varying degrees. During that miserable times, lots of makers created many meaningful projects with a desire to help fight back the COVID-19. This article will introduce 5 different kinds of projects made by our intelligent PCBWayers. You can also watch the video version below. 1. Coviclcok Coviclock is a protoboard for NodeMCU + ILI9341 display born during the Covid-19 pandemic, hence the name. The firmware is available on Github and is a great example of how to build an efficient table clock and calendar showing Time, Date, Temperature, and data taken from a remote CSV. Firmware shows Coronavirus data for a chosen Italian region. The clock is automatically set using an NTP server. A routine makes auto-adjustment for DST time. Board features also an active buzzer, actually used for giving an alarm when COVID-19 data are updated, and two tactile switches. Switches are not use...