Meet The Winners of PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest

Hi PCBWayers,

Here we are announcing the winners of PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest. After more than half a year, we finally see this exciting moment. Thank you, all the participants for their active participation, we have seen many excellent PCB designs and advanced ideas this year. Thank you, all the judges for their participation, so that our contest can be completed with fair and professional scoring. Your participation is our PCBWay’s great honor.

The Best Designs

1st Prize: Axiom: 100kW motor controller   

Award: $1,000 in cash + 10,000 PCBWay Beans + Sponsored Gifts (Imou Cue 2 camera+$500 free Ponoko laser cutting coupon)+ Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

Winner Interview

Judge’s Comments: 

“This IGBT motor control board is a professional grade control product for electric vehicles, complete with liquid cooling and CAN bus to integrate into any new small to mid-sized experimental electric vehicle. The documentation provided though preliminary is thorough and use of open-source configuration and test software makes final integration accessible to any technically minded builder. The designers have gone to great details on their library, modeling every component in 3D to ensure proper integration into the final modular assembly. Besides which, it just looks really cool as well!”

---- Ben Jordan, Senior Engineer of CircuitMaker

“Super complex, well documented, great resource for others to make use of and to learn from.”

---- Mitch Altman, CEO of Cornfield Electronics

“This looks extremelly professional.”

---- Jiri Praus, Maker

2nd Prize: ARMACHAT - Doomsday LORA QWERTY communicator

Award: $500 in cash + 5,000 PCBWay Beans+ Sponsored Gifts ($300 free Ponoko laser cutting coupon)+ Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

Winner Interview

Judge’s Comments:

“Let’s face it. This world we live in is not a little bit crazy these days. Whether it’s virus outbreaks or international conflicts, there are times when one just needs to be able to send a message. This “Doomsday communicator” is just what is needed and provides a simple, complete and FREE means of sending and receiving messages between parties directly and without interception or “eavesdropping”. How? By using an open LORA stack and directly communicating point-to-point without relying on a carrier network. Nice work, Peter Misenko!”

---- Ben Jordan, Senior Engineer of CircuitMaker

“Always we see the LoRa technology like a IoT solution, but this projects demostrate that we can use to send text message people to people with a long range.”

---- Jorge Pérez, Co-founder of Ripolab Hacklab

“Consider a possible catastrophe or apocalyptic scenario, the base stations and the kind of internet not working. How are we going to communicate? This project was produced for such a situation, yes, perhaps, as the project owner said, this device will not survive, but a good cost-effective product has emerged that can be used as a hobby.”

---- Emre Konca, YouTuber of "Arduino Haber"

3rd Prize: The HAD66 Keyboard

Award: $200 in cash + 2,000 PCBWay Beans+ Sponsored Gifts ($200 free Ponoko laser cutting coupon) + Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

Judge’s Comments: 

“WOW!!! a different and interesting project. Something that we use every day like the keyboard, and now we can create one with a very different design.”

---- Jorge Pérez, Co-founder of Ripolab Hacklab

“First of all, thank you for this well documented project. It is a good idea to make your own keyboard, as soon as I want to make one.”

---- Emre Konca, YouTuber of "Arduino Haber"

“The best one!!! very good documentation! I like this design! very creative and useful! I want one of those keyboards! good job”

---- Andres Nino, Director of

The Most Popular Designs

1st Prize: Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V2.0

Award: $1,000 in cash + 10,000 PCBWay Beans + Sponsored Gifts (Imou Cue 2 camera+$500 free Ponoko laser cutting coupon)+ Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

Winner Interview

2nd Prize: 400 Watts Mono Amplifier Board DIY Toshiba 2SC5200 Transistor NPN and PNP_ELECTROINDIA

Award: $500 in cash + 5,000 PCBWay Beans+ Sponsored Gifts ($300 free Ponoko laser cutting coupon)+ Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

3rd Prize: IoT project Temperature Humidity Blynk Portable

Award: $200 in cash + 2,000 PCBWay Beans+ Sponsored Gifts ($200 free Ponoko laser cutting coupon) + Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

10 Runner Ups

How to Make a Gesture Control Robot at Home

nanoSense:Motion - Ultra Low Power Wireless Motion Sensing



Otto DIY build your own robot in one hour!

Juanduino MEGA (RAMS ROVER's PCBs)

Solar charge controller with MPPT

5 in 1 Arduino Robot | Follow Me | Line Following | Sumo | Drawing | Obstacle Avoiding

A Complete Battery Capacity Measurement Device, Using Arduino-Nano [Lithium-NiMH-NiCd]

Nixie Clock IN-12 & ESP12(ESP8266) WiFi v2

Award: $20 in coupons+2,000 Beans + Startup Service (Bring the product to market and sell it in PCBWayer Bazaar)

Link: All Entries of PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest

Congratulations to you winners and we will contact you soon about the award.


PCBWay Team


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